The first thing you should do is forget the network. Apps that don't have a 64-bit version will not work on macOS Big Sur. OpenCore-EFI-Lenovo-Y50-70 - Lenovo Y50-70, OpenCore 0. the Wacom Driver, the OS continues to protect the Mac. If Wi-Fi is not on, click the Turn Wi-Fi On. WiFi not working in macOS Big Sur on BCM4352. Dumb question, already installed BS on mu MBP mid 2012, flawless, with no wifi, all solutions read are bit too difficult too me so I will wait for an easier way, in the meantime I would like to use a wifi stick archer t2u nano, but when installing the driver it says 'wrong version' (obvious), im new on macOS, is there something im doing wrong? or another way? To eliminate Time Machine not working issue on your macOS Big Sur, set up your Time Machine backup drive correctly-the steps are presented next: a) Connect an external storage device (say hard drive, SSD, NAS device, or a Mac shared as Time Machine backup destination) to your MacBook (Air/Pro), Mac mini, or iMac (Pro).
Please note that this is not a complete Big Sur Hackintosh step by step guide. Wifi not working hackintosh big sur 1, with the Apple Hypervisor, and have not experienced this problem.